A small 2.8" x 1.7" (71 x 43mm) amplifier board based on TEA2025 amplifier
chip. Can be used as stand alone amplifier for small projects. Pair of jumpers
will switch from stereo to bridge mode
Need for it was to use it as stackable amplifier for our
4 channel mixer
The amp can run on 3 to 15V power source.
2x3 jumper selects stereo/bridge mode
P1 & P2 are optional to by pass output caps in bridge mode
Stereo mode
both input and output is in reference to ground (middle terminal
Bridge mode
Input is Left (L) and ground
Output is on Left (L) and Right (R) terminals
Schematic Stereo
Schematic Bridged
PCB layout files EasyEDA
Gerber Files