Full credit goes to Sparkfun and original author as this board is just a
different layout of the original and using different LED display
This is a redesigned board layout using 4 individual 0.56" 7 segment
displays rather then of single display module. All features of the module
and software remain the same. One other difference is that the original
module was layed out to use Atmega328 processor. This board layout mas made
to accept ATmega328B variant of the processor which has extra 2 I/O lines
PE0 and PE1 which normally are Gnd and VCC pins. The 2 pins are routed to
top of the board but not utilized. Adding them to the original A6 and A7 I/O
pins it makes possible of 4 I/O pins that user can utilize for their use.
Documents and Source files
PCB (easyEDA)
Firmware and using the Serial 7-Segment Display